Diversity Job Network Blog

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What skills are needed for a management position?

What skills are needed for a management position?

Management and leadership go hand in hand. There are different styles of management and leadership, but the expectation for anyone in management is to maximize talent and make sure things get done. Leadership is probably one of the most important skills to have. Do you tell people what to do? Or do you show them what to do by example? There...

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How to answer common interview questions

How to answer common interview questions

It is important to prepare for an interview. Employers expect you to come prepared to an interview with a resume, and questions.
With that expectation, employers seem to always have some common questions they want to ask potential employees. Here are some common interview questions and how to answer them:

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Should you ever be dishonest on your resume?

Should you ever be dishonest on your resume?

Ever wondered if you should be dishonest on your resume to help you get a job? Or, have you done so? We are here to say that there is never a time to lie on your resume! It is common to ask the question, why? Why should I not lie on my resume? Below we explore a few reasons you should never lie on your resume:

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